The implementation of the project has started: the first meeting of the project took place in Vienna
The kick-off meeting for the project “Bridging Barriers – Competence development of trainers in adult basic education” hosted by 3s as project coordinator, was held on 24 and 25 October 2019. Representatives from 3s and four European organisations involved in the field of adult basic education (Isop – Austria, Il mondo nella città – Italia, E-CODE – Slovakia and SVEB – Switzerland) took part in the meeting. The purpose of the kick-off meeting was to accurately outline the upcoming activities of the project, their time schedules and the responsibilities of each partner. On the first day, following the presentation of each partner, the VQTS approach for describing competences of adult basic educators was introduced. Moreover, the partners discussed a possible work plan for the next two years. On the second day, the focus was on administrative tasks and reporting duties every partner needs to fulfill as well as on how the partner organisations should apply the VQTS approach in the upcoming tasks of the Bridging Barriers project. All partners were actively involved in the meeting and contributed to the definition of the activities at hand necessary to establish the three intellectual outputs of the project:
- a competence matrix for teachers in adult basic education
- a curriculum for a further training course for ABE teachers
- a handbook as basis for further development and dissemination of the course design.
The project is funded and supported by the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ framework.
For more information about the Bridging Barriers project, please, visit
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Competence Development at the cutting edge for educators in Adult Basic Education in Europe / Bridging Barriers / 2019-1-AT01-KA204-051476 The content of this document does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this document lies entirely with the author(s). Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. |