
…education for continuous development

29. 7. 2014
by Radoslav Vician

SET4Work Moodle Training

From 13th July till 27th July 2014 we have succesfully organised Moodle training for 9 participants. The whole training starting from registration to final evaluations was organised online with the active support of our trainers. We are happy to provide you with downloadable:

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18. 7. 2014
by Radoslav Vician

SET4Work Final International Conference – Leaflet Now Available

The consortium of the SET4Work is proud to announce the organisation of the project’s final international conference in Šiauliai, Lithuania. If interested, please download the conference leaflet. In case of your interest in participating, please, contact us by email.

Download conference leaflet from here. Continue Reading →

18. 7. 2014
by Radoslav Vician

Happy Home Wallet Seminars

f0449302_126th June 2014 was also a date for the series of our Happy Home Wallet seminars. The seminars were organised in Krupina and saw the participation of 21 persons. We covered following topics so far developed under the project:

  • Blogging and social media
  • Consumption patterns and their impact on local economy
  • Saving our daily resources: water, energy, food

A small gallery is offered here. Continue Reading →

18. 7. 2014
by Radoslav Vician

SET4Work Training of Beneficiaries

f0077974_1After a long preparation and lots of translation we have organised the first training of beneficiaries of the SET4Work project. The training was in the form of an interactive seminar. It took place on 26th June 2014 in Krupina. All in all we have trained 21 persons. For more see the training’s gallery. Continue Reading →

18. 7. 2014
by Radoslav Vician

Schola Ludus vs. Andragogy – What a Great Event It Was!

schola-ludus-banska-stiavnicaHow to start? Well, I have to say thank you at first, of that I am sure. Thank you to all the wonderful people who took part at this Grundtvig Workshop, who created such a great team, who put all their effort to make it a success and with whom I personally had such a great time Continue Reading →